星期二, 8月 12, 2008

“返工一条虫,放工一条龙 综合性忧郁症”

今天一早,MY FM提出了这个话题∶“返工一条虫,放工一条龙 综合性忧郁症”。我相信围绕着我身边的朋友,也有某些人已经得到了这个病症,而我本身有时也会得到这个病。这是一个无药可救的病,也只得靠自己去打胜这病魔。

星期五, 8月 08, 2008

08 08 08


首先,恭喜我的朋友,Freddie Lau..... 也欢迎他加入'Man's Club'。Freddie 今天会参加在天后宫举办的集体婚姻注册,听说还是400对新人。无论如何,也再次恭喜他,祝福他有个美满的婚姻。



星期五, 7月 25, 2008


9.35am,AK5104 准时起飞。这次是我第一次去沙巴州,可是只是为工事而去。

这一趟的飞行,我就肯定是选第一排来坐,也就是因为比较宽的放脚处。可是,后面却坐了三只非常非常吵的中年人 (一男二女)。最为恐怖的是那个男的,他的笑声完全能把飞机上的speaker声音都完全盖掉,而且我相信连最后一排的乘客都听得到。 真的不知道如何是好,难道我能投诉他的笑声吗?“空姐,请把他的笑声调低。谢谢…”hahaha…..



我有一位朋友,S先生,他是一位Sales Engineer,他也是两年前才从production lines 跳到sales lines。我想他最终的目的是要在工作时间能去办理私人事如去bank,service车,喝茶,找朋友聊天等等。老实讲,我是不介意他去‘吃蛇’,可是please…先把工事完成才吃蛇啦!!! 除此之外,他也时常投诉allowance 少。老实讲,公司给你的petrol allowance只是补贴给你去见顾客,而不是包括你去吃蛇的油钱,晚上去wet的油钱,更不是给你outstation holiday的油钱。更和况当你去outstation business trip,公司还有给额外的补贴!即然钱不够用,那就勤劳点去见顾客,去掏order吧!别只会投诉!!! 这世界上是100%没有免费的午餐,醒醒吧,朋友!!!!!

星期一, 7月 21, 2008

Malaysia Boleh!!!







星期一, 7月 07, 2008

Fast & Furious.....

每逢星期日,Bukit Jalil 会举办“飘移”活动。这项活动的目的是能让一班年轻又热爱汽车运动的高手或初学者到来表演活学习飘移。 飘移看起来又刺激又危险....... 一不小心,整辆车就会撞向围栏。最终就的把车拖走,而不是飘走了.....

星期日, 7月 06, 2008


星期六一早,大城堡居民协会聚集了超过60名大城堡居民以及筹集了当地逾千人签名备忘录,以用来抗议DBKL在大城堡实施电子泊车收费制。这一次的抗议,也引起雪州高级行政议员郭素心的关注。她也答应将在国会反映我们的心声,否决泊车费制。这次的泊车制,是我第一次感觉到DBKL 是这么的快效率。原因是应为DBKL在30/06/08才在大城堡装置那些电子收费机,可是却从01/07/08就开始收费了,所以说,DBKL这次真的效率很快..... 更可恶的是,这些电子收费制是从7.30am 到 10.30pm. 这次DBKL完全是在大错特错的时间下而做了一个这么愚蠢的决定,市政局竟然在万物涨价之际,实施这些的泊车制,这只会加重我们人名的负担。


星期四, 6月 26, 2008


一大清早 (4.30am),机场的士就到达我家门口。大概 2.00pm,我们到达了我朋友的家 - 霞安阁 (Flr 33)。

这次的香港之旅可说是有点特别。虽然说现在是 summer sales 可是我们却花很少时间在 shopping。然而,我们却去了南Y岛。我们从香港仔搭船到索罟灣,然后就从索罟灣走到榕樹灣,路程大概是两小时。整段路程,除了晒,也就是晒........ 哈哈.....



星期三, 6月 25, 2008


标准体重 = 身高减去100cm,再乘于0.9
标准上臂围 = 身高x 0.15
标准臀围 = 身高x 0.54
标准胸围 = 身高x 0.53
标准腰围 = 身高x 0.43
标准腹围 = 身高x 0.457
标准大腿围 = 身高x 0.26 + 7.8
标准小腿围 = 身高x 0.21

星期三, 6月 11, 2008

再见, 伯伯........





星期二, 6月 10, 2008


终于!!! 我们终于买下了去 Kota Kinabalu 的飞机票。我们的目的肯定是尽所能去征服我国的最高峰 --- Mount Kinabalu (京那峇魯山)。这也是我一直以来很想去的地方之一,可是也是我最担心去的地方。

几个星期前,我的一位朋友刚与他的一班朋友去征服这座山。他们回来之后的感言就是“两年里,别再提议去爬山”,听起来也真怕人!!! 可是,他们没有一个后悔,因为这是一个不同的经历。老实讲,我真的很希望我能顺顺利利的去征服这座山。


星期四, 6月 05, 2008


回想今年年头也就是大选之前,我国政府曾经说过会降低我国的汽油价格。可是,在02/06/08, 所有高官也集聚在一起再次讨论汽油价格这个课题。 结论就是“按国际油价而自由浮动”,期限是从今年八月起。

两天后,很突然地宣布“从明天起(05/06/08),我国油价将从RM1.92 起到RM2.70”。这样一起,我国人民就得过着些更困难的生活。一直以来,油价是货物价格高涨的祸首。油价一起,接下来就是电费,运输费。电费和运输费一起,那肯定是食物价格也跟着一起高高的涨。虽然说,政府会以津贴回扣方式给2000cc以下的车主。可是,他们所谓的回扣才那RM625.难道能帮助到我们日常生活上的货物彭涨吗?简直是废话连篇!照顾我们这些小市民啦,阿拉叔叔!!!!! 张开你的老眼看看市民吧............

星期一, 4月 28, 2008



轻轻松松的过了一个又平静,又享受的周末。周末过了,就得挨多五天才能到周末 (幸亏星期四是劳动节,不用做工)。

今早读了一位中学朋友的布落格,得知了她很伤心因为她与他的故事结束了,而且也是个非常不愉快的结束。他很伤心,所以希望她能早日从伤心地爬出来。All the best, my fren.....

好啦好啦...... 才星期一,应该来个开心的开始。可是却又遭人‘放飞机’。还好,我也有早餐吃。哈哈哈。。。真所谓‘早起的鸟儿有虫吃’。

星期一, 4月 21, 2008

Home make breakfast

I got my first HOME MAKE breakfast form my wife this morning. She purposely wake up at 6.35am and prepare the breakfast for me. Even though it's not a special or complicaed breakfast, but I can really feel the warm feeling and appreciatted for what she did this morning.

he been trying so hard to drink milk. No worry, darling.... I will give my full supports to you... Gam-Ba-Teh!!!

星期六, 4月 19, 2008

Management Meeting over liao.........

Finally, the management meeting was over. we had our meeting at Holiday Inn, Glenmarie from 17/4 ~18/4.

Because of this management meeting will involved not only Malaysia office but also our Thailand & Indonesia Office. Therefore, I able to meet them from this meeting.

Even though this only 2 days meeting, but we got to know well about our our regional office's business, our group's aim and targets. Beside that, we also brainstorm about our weaknesses, opportunities, challenges and also our future plans. Also, after this meeting, I felt more confident to my company and at least with this will drive me through out my daily works. Uugsss!!!


星期四, 4月 17, 2008

Management Meeting

Today will be the first day of the Management Meeting. I believe all this meeting will be very bored + sleepy. But what to do???

Just received a great news form my boss that there are 2 colleagues resigned today and effective today as well. No matter how, I personally believed without anyone of them included myself, this company also will run very well and these only cause the inconvenient for temporary of time. Anyway, ALL THE BEST to both of them and we still can meet outside for a drink, Do keep in touch......

星期三, 4月 16, 2008

Presentation slide.....

Tomorrow will be the 2 days of Management Meeting liao and it only for manager level and above of course for other country manager as well. Whoever sitting inside will take turns to present their own result, target & future as per scheduled.

Actually it's not hard for me to prepare the presentation material for myself but the worst part is I just joined this company for 2 months plus and I do not have more jobs, hence I just faced few competitors for my projects.

Today will be first time to meet face to face with the supplier from Singapore that I had mentioned in my previous blog "Firs game GONE" and they are the one who send us the quotation late and make noise some more after they sent even though is their fault. HOW DARE YOU!!!!!....... Also, I need to go meeting with them at customer premises after our meeting at our office later.... I really cannot tahan!!!!! CONTROL! CONTROL!! CONTROL!!!

星期二, 4月 15, 2008

Wonderful weekend @ Butterworth

Me, my wife, dad & mum went to Butterworth for 2D1N to enjoy the food over there and also celebrate the birthday for Dad & Teng Teng. We start our journey on Friday evening after work and have a good sleep at my sister's house.

In the morning about 8.30am, we took our 'brief' breakfast a the coffee shop just nearby my sister's house. After a rest about an hour, we start our 'makan trip' to Bukit Mertajam.

- Kopicino: Its actually a mix between coffee & tea and in layman word, we called it 'cham'

- 加哩面: Not as good as wrote in the book because i can only taste the chili powder.

- 米台目: It's actually our "老鼠粉" but it's abit sticky. Overall, the taste in nice especially the soup is sweet enough with the mince pork.

- 油炸鬼: As normal as KL or any stall.

- Cendol: Nothing special

After the 2 rounds of food, we go round and round again in Bukit Mertajam and look for a rojak called "黑人rojak" but unfortunately the stall was not open yet. Therefore, we just go opposite and try the other stall called "黑白人rojak". Be frank, until now, I haven't find any food rojak that better or nicer then the stall at Sri Petaling. At the stall, we also buy the 燒臘飯. This rice is really out of my taste.....

After the Bukit Mertajam, we went over to Juru and eat Penang Laksa & Penang Hokian Mee. The taste was good for laksa but the hokian mee was just so so.....

After a fruitful trip, we depart form my sister's house at 12.15pm and all the way to Bidor for our lunch and then back to SWEET HOME @ 4.30pm. Even though is tiring to drive for these few days but cannot be deny that it really an enjoyable trip.

P/S: All the food above was recommended by a magazine except the Laksa & Hokian Mee

星期二, 4月 08, 2008

Wedding photos.....

FINALLY my wife successfully created the slide show for our wedding day + wedding dinner.....

Actually it was very time consume to prepare this slide show because need to pick & choose, arrange & upload.....

Again, THANKS a lot for your effort..........

Wedding Ceremony

Wedding Dinner

星期一, 4月 07, 2008

Nice food by Ho-Chak.....

Been tried some nice foods last week which recommended by 'Ho-Chak'.....

Home Town Steamboat Restaurant
- Chocolate Steamboat
- Located at Jalan Genting Klang
- Nothing special
- Served with biscuits fruits
- Price at RM8.80/pax

Cao Cao Lamb B-B-Q
- Lamb Chop
- Located at Jalan Kuchai Lama - Old Klang Road
- Nice + Good
- The chicken wing also nice
- Crowded & long queue from 6pm
- Price at high side (1 pc of lamb = RM6.50 ; 1 pair of chicken wing = RM4.20)
- Noticed that the 'wan tan mee' & 'prawn mee' also not bad because also long queue

Nippy Noodle Restaurant
- Nippy Noodle (竹升面)
- Locaed at Kuchai Entrepreneurs Park
- Looks like 'wan tan mee' but the mee was very crispy
- Price at middle range

星期五, 4月 04, 2008

First game GONE!!!

I lost my first game! This was very disappointed & demoralized as I actually in the final stage. The reason I lost this match is because the support from our supplier was not strong enough. I really got no idea why they need about a week to just do the pricing in fact they can finish it within a day or even few hours!.. Because of their inefficiency, I was disqualified from the match without any fight!!! WTF! Wasted all my hard work from the beginning stage….. Now I really feel that my team was not allowed to play in the FIFA World Cup final because of out team’s jersey was not ready even though we won all the way to FINAL!! Is it ridiculous? My answer is YES!!!

Anyhow, lost a game is not to say that i lost my life and this is only my first competition. I will be smart next time to challenge my supplier. as people said: " LEARN FROM MISTAKE".....

星期四, 4月 03, 2008

What is MARKETING ???

1. You see a gorgeous girl at a party. You go up to her and say: "I am very rich. Marry me!"
- That's direct marketing

2. You're at a party with a bunch of friends and see a gorgeous girl. One of your friends goes up to her and pointing at you says: "He's very rich. Marry him!"
- That's advertising

3. You see a gorgeous girl at a party. You go up to her and get her telephone number. The next day, you call and say: "Hi, I'm very rich. Marry me!"
- That's telemarketing

4. You're at a party and see gorgeous girl. You get up and straighten your tie, you walk up to her and pour her a drink, you open the door (of the car)for her, pick up her bag after she drops it, offer her ride and then say: "By the way, I'm rich. Will you marry me?"
- That's public relations

5. You're at a party and see gorgeous girl. She walks up to you and says: "You are very rich. Can you marry me?"
- That's brand recognition

6. You see a gorgeous girl at a party. You go up to her and say: "I am very rich. Marry me!" and she gives you a nice hard slap on your face.
- That's customer feedback

7. You see a gorgeous girl at a party. You go up to her and say: "I am very rich. Marry me!" and she introduces you to her husband.
- That's demand and supply gap

8. You see a gorgeous girl at a party. You go up to her and before you say anything, another person come and tell her: "I'm rich. Will you marry me?" and she goes with him
- That's competition eating into your market share

9. You see a gorgeous girl at a party. You go up to her and before you say: "I'm rich, Marry me!" and your wife arrives.
- That's restriction for entering new markets

星期三, 4月 02, 2008

對不起, 我愛你.....

Sorry for the yesterday because I was not in good mood. I know you are worrying me and wonder what really happend to me. But, I really appreciatted that you let me keep myself quiet for all night long.

星期一, 3月 31, 2008

Happy Sunday @ Pavillion KL

On the last Sunday (30/03/2008), we (me, yin, dad & mum) went to Pavillion KL at 9.35am for our breakfast. We bought 12pcs of delicious donuts from "J.CO Donuts & Coffee" together with some coffee & tea. After a great fight with the 1 dozen of donuts, we really fulled and went to shopping for digestion.......

Come to GREAT PART of this blog..... We went to the Kenko FISH SPA which located beside the GSC Cinemas at level 5. The first feeling after we put our 'beauty foot' inside the fish pond is 'itch' or 'geli'... It's really funny but after a while, it was very enjoy especially you looking at the fish that 'bite' your foot and skin.... This was only for 30 mins with the charges RM38 per person. Overall, it was a good experienced and we really enjoyed it very much. After the fish spa, we force to go back because I got my jeans wet at the back :)

星期五, 3月 28, 2008

My Office.....

I already joined this company for 54 days. In this company, the environment is totally different with my previous company. Maybe it's too comfort to stay in my previous company because the colleagues there was friendly. In the current company, all the women (1 Indian, 1 Malay, 1 Chinese & 1 Chinese-Malay) was weird. The Indian even worst!!! she can suddenly shout and say "I cannot tahan lah, I pregnant liao" which this crazy Indian lady was only about25 and she is till single some more. If not, then she will go and tell other colleagues that " I will mc tomorrow because I pregnant liao"... Is she really crazy?? But anyhow, she will be list in our company's history.

Beside that, the Malay-Chinese & Chinese lady was act as our 'prime minister' & deputy prime minister' those day before my new boss - Mr. Ong joined. The reason why I said so is because all the while, this 2 lady was create their own culture and like 'big bully'.....

Anyhow, all this will also become our history liao.... The new culture is coming out.. Hope all this things will turns better.....

星期二, 3月 18, 2008

有人歡喜, 有人愁.....

Finally our Pak Lah was announced the new cabinet this afternoon. Thanks god that somebody was not listed in the list and there is also alot of new face coming out this year. But the worst is what happend is Selangor will not be effected to KL as i was staying in KL leh.. I also vote for the opposition but end up we got nothing. Kedah got free football match, Selangor got free some water supply, Perak & Penang also got the waiver of summons.... Then what Wilayah's residents get??? WTF!!!!!

星期一, 3月 10, 2008



馬哈迪: 阿都拉應負責

安華: 大馬人說話了

After the result released, there will be alot of people blame here and there. Although BN still take the roll of Malaysia Goverment, but they lost few state of government to opposition party.

As usual, I also put my ticket to our DAP and same to my family members. Hahahaha....... CONGRATULATION to Teresa Kok because she won 2 beautiful wars in Seputeh (DAP) with 36,492 (75.7%) tickets more then Carol Chew (BN) for Parliamentary seat & in Kinrara, she won against Kow Cheong Wei (BN) with 5,739 (79.31%) tickets more for State seat.

星期五, 3月 07, 2008

Seong's Wedding......


Tomorrow (8th March 2009) will be my wife's brother wedding day. Of corse, tomorrow will be our Malaysia's 12th election day. And also tomorrow will be my first time to be the DRIVER for a marriage couple. Promised, I will be a professional driver... haha......

星期二, 3月 04, 2008

Monday CRAZY not Monday Blue......

What a CRAZY Monday I had yesterday. I been trying so hard to close 1 deal with a customer but at the end lost this order. This is not the main point!! The main point was the customer 'not gentlement' or not keep his promised!!! After this lesson, I will not trust any of my customer no matter how good is his/her acting. This thing really make me no mood for the whole day.

In the late afternoon, suddenly all the works come at the same time but still received a stupid call and he claimed that he calling from Tropicana Medical Center and want to promote their services. I STOP him immediately and tell him straight to his face that "I',m not interested. Thank you".

All the bad things was not stop yet when come to the night. Me and my wife went to Esso, Sri Petaling to pump fuel for her car. Then, we just went to the counter and check for the total points earned from the Esso-Mobile card. The FXXXXR told me that I have no point and because I did not do the proper submission. Then I told him that I was changed my Mobile card to Esso-Mobil card on the same petrol kiosk which is Sri Petaling kiosk, so I don't know what the FUCK are they doing. What I know is me and my wife pump the fucking Esso-Mobil fuel for 1 year plus and earned 0 point!!! WHAT THE FUCK !!!!!!! Somemore the stupid guy talk to me with the rude ways and seem like is my fault..... my fuse BLOWED immediately and throw back the card to him after I scolded him.....

SORRY to my wife because my face was 'black' as my mood was really bad at that time...... SORRY.....

星期一, 3月 03, 2008


1st March 2008..... My 30th Birthday :)

This year will be my first time celebrated my brithday with my WIFE and she ordered a special cake for me. This cake it's actually make by the 'agar-agar'. Beside that, I also went for the 'K-Lunch' with my wife as she know I like it and of corse, i enjoyed it. THANK YOU, darling.....

Beside that, I also would like to thank you all my friends that wished me especially Chelsea because she spent her time with me for a lunch and her cake (also agar-agar cake, haha...)

星期五, 2月 29, 2008

29th FEBRUARY 2008

Today is 29/02/08 andtoday also my CHINESE Birthday. This date (29/2) will come again only in year 2012.

Yesterday met with my friends and have dinner together at Delicious @ Bangsar Village. The food is not bad but the dessert was NICE!!! Also expensive......

I heard some sory from 'her' which regarding her 'sister' and her 'brother in-law'. Before she sart her story, i make a statement "your brother in-law and youself also my best friend, therefore I won't make any comment and will not side anyone of them. Hope you are fine with it..." Anyway, I hope there all will solve their problems steadyly and peaceful. Arguement will not bring any good solutions.

Again, ALL THE BEST to them.......

星期四, 2月 21, 2008

元宵節快樂 !!!


As a conclusion, I'm enjoyed o giving out ang pow to my family, relatives and also my friends (maybethis is the first year). It's good to have long holidays during the chinese new year. Afer this, need to wait for long time only got tsuch chances.

Again, wishing everyone 身體健康, 心想事成, 萬事如意, 恭喜發財.....

星期五, 2月 15, 2008

年初九 - 拜天公 + 情人節

This is my first year celebrate Valentine's Day with my wife. As usual, we go for a candle light dinner at my friend's shop. The dinner is nothing special, just a package with included of drink, soup, main corse and dessert.

After the dinner, we went back to Kajang (my in-law's house) for 'bai tin gong'. They really celebrate greater then the first day of CNY.....

Beside that, i also want to share to my friends that how cute is my wife with her best friend - STICH... haha......